How to Become a Timeless Master of the Formidable Art of Reading Aloud

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One comes across three types of people in life.

image of sheep lying dead as sacrifice, allegory for reading aloud
a. Those who do.

b. Those who don't.

c. And then there are those who want to (but still don't).

Reading aloud is a form of personal dedication that requires daily sacrifices, strong effort, will power and investment.

Yes, it is not for the feeble-hearted.

Once you commit, there is no way back.

It will knock out a sizeable chunk of your free time every day, leaving much less time for your other personal priorities and forcing you to reschedule some other events.

It is a job without any immediate reward and the possible rewards are down the line, many years down the line. (If they even materialize).

Reading aloud is also not a simple matter, as you need to prepare for your read aloud sessions by previewing every single book that you want to read beforehand.

That means looking at the book from start to finish - and the middle parts too!

That preparation phase can take up twice or three times as long as the reading itself.

But the book choice stage?

Yes, books do not grow on trees.

One needs to scour around to find the books that your kids would like to listen too.

It may take days to find the right book.

And then you finish reading it, and the problems appear all over again.

Reading aloud is a sacrifice, a chore that requires your daily unwavering commitment.

It is an activity for the long haul that will require focus and concentration.

Many parents have tried to read aloud on a regular basis, but have given up.

They have not mastered the formidable art of reading aloud and maintaining a child's attention focused on each word that is read.

In fact, reading aloud is almost an art form that you need to absorb, as it has its own unwritten rules if you want your reading aloud to end up in success.

So, if you haven't started reading aloud early, when your child was already in the womb - you are lagging behind.

The earlier you start, the more effect it will have on your child.

This means that the later you start, the less effect you will be able to make.

There might be no transformation.

Your reading aloud might be useless.

Subterfuge and bluff

You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.Mahatma Gandhi

I know. There are many excuses for not reading aloud.

And I tried to list some of them above.

I don't subscribe to any of them, but I just wanted to give you some food for thought.


reading aloud should generate excitement like a parachute jump
What reading aloud should be like
Because reading aloud is not that pathetic list I made up above.

Do not look for excuses.

Do not be one of those who don't.

Do not be one of those who want to do - but don't.

Reading aloud is only about grabbing a children's book and reading it. 


Nothing more, nothing less.

It is not about results,

It is not about performance.

It is not about changing children.

It is not about preparation and work.

Reading aloud is about having fun.

And if excuses prevented you from reading aloud to your child yesterday, there is always today.

Go, grab your kid and run together to find a children's book!

image of Read Aloud Dad's signature

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